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Phase-Leg IGBT Modules



·?  Vces: 600V and 1200V. Ic(25): 25A - 420A

?  NPT or NPT3 IGBT with low Vce(sat),low switching losses, square RBSOA, short circuit ruggedness, positive temperature coefficient for easy parallelling, short tail current

·?  Hiperfast diodes with soft recovery

·?  Package with insulating DCB base plate (2500V rms) and pins for PCB mounting. U/L registered.

Expand product table ? ?
PartNumber Division Vces          (V) IC25          Tc=25°C         IGBT           (A) IC80          Tc=80°C          IGBT          (A) VCE(sat)       typ        Tj=25°C         IGBT         (V) Eoff         typ           Tj=125°C           IGBT          (mJ) RthJC            max         IGBT           (K/W) IF25         Tc=25°C          Diode         (A) IF80         Tc=80°C         Diode          (A) RthJC          max           Diode           (K/W) Config Ckt Diag Package        Style Status
VII130-06P1 -   600 130 83 2.3 2.3 0.33 134 82 0.66 Phase Leg VII.... ECO-PAC 2 Not for New Designs
MII75-12A3 - IXYS LONG BEACH 1200 90 60 2.2 5.6 0.33 100 60 0.66 Phase Leg MII... Y4-M5 Active Part
MII100-12A3 IXYS POWER 1200 135 90 2.2 10.5 0.22 150 95 0.45 Phase Leg MII... Y4-M5 Active Part
MII145-12A3 IXYS POWER 1200 160 110 2.2 15 0.18 150 95 0.45 Phase Leg MII... Y4-M5 Active Part
MII150-12A4 -   1200 180 120 2.2 11.5 0.17 200 130 0.33 Phase Leg MII... Y3-DCB Active Part
MII200-12A4 -   1200 270 180 2.2 21 0.11 300 200 0.23 Phase Leg MII... Y3-DCB Active Part
MII300-12A4 -   1200 330 220 2.2 29 0.09 450 280 0.15 Phase Leg MII... Y3-DCB Active Part